Our shipping season has ended and we are not able to accept any more orders for this season. Please check back September 2024 to see our online catalog for the next shipping season which will begin January 2025.

Thank you to all our loyal bareroot fans. We sincerely appreciate each and every one of you, and look forward to serving you again in September 2024.

Low Chill Bare Root Varieties


  • All-in-One (3-400)
  • Nonpariel (400)
  • Price (400)



  • Anna (200)
  • Beverly Hills (300)
  • Dorsett Golden (100)
  • Ghost (3-400)
  • Gordon (400)
  • Pettingill (300)
  • Pink Lady (3-400)
  • Sundowner (2-300)
  • White Winter Pearmain (400)
  • Winter Banana (400 or less)



  • Autumn Royal (400)
  • Blenheim (400)
  • Flora Gold (400 or less)
  • Gold Kist (300)
  • Tropic Gold (350 or less)



  • Emerald (150)
  • Jubilee (4-500)
  • Misty (150)
  • Peach Sorbet (300 or less)
  • Pink Lemonade (200)
  • Sharpblue (150)
  • Southmoon (2-300)
  • Sunshine Blue (200)



  • Lapins (400 or less)
  • Minnie Royal (2-300)
  • Royal Crimson (2-300)
  • Royal Lee (2-300)
  • Stella (400)



  • All varieties


Interspecific Hybrids

  • Cot-N-Candy Aprium (400)
  • Dapple Dandy Pluot® (4-500)
  • Dapple Supreme Pluot (300)
  • Delight Cherry-Plum (400)
  • Emerald Drop Pluot® (400 or less)
  • Flavor Delight Aprium (300)
  • Flavor Grenade Pluot® (3-400)
  • Flavor King (400 or less)
  • Flavor Queen (4-500)
  • Flavorella Plumcot (250)
  • Geo Pride (400 or less)
  • Spice Zee Nectaplum (2-300)
  • Splash Pluot® (400 or less)
  • Sprite Cherry-Plum (400)
  • Sweet Treat Pluerry (2-300)
  • Tri-Lite Peach x Plum (4-500)


  • All varieties



  • All varieties



  • All varieties


Multiple Budded Trees

  • 4-N-1 Low-Chill Apples
  • 4-N-1 Low-Chill Peach
  • 4-N-1 Low Chill Plum
  • 4-N-1 Zee Sweet Nuggets
  • 2-N-1 Cherry-Plum



  • Arctic Glo (4-500)
  • Arctic Star (300)
  • Desert Dawn (250)
  • Desert Delight (1-200)
  • Double Delight (300)
  • Necta Zee (400)
  • Nectar Babe (400)
  • Panamint (250)
  • Snow Queen (250-300)



  • August Pride (300)
  • Babcock (250-300)
  • Bonanza (250)
  • Bonita (400)
  • Donut (2-300)
  • Double Jewel (3-400)
  • Eva's Pride (1-200)
  • Fairtime (4-500)
  • Flordaprince (150)
  • Honey Babe (400 or less)
  • July (Kim) Elberta (4-500)
  • May Pride (150-200)
  • Mid-Pride (250)
  • Peachy Keen (150-200)
  • Pix Zee (400)
  • Red Baron (250-300)
  • Santa Barbara (300)
  • Saturn (250-300)
  • Sauzee Swirl (400)
  • Strawberry Free (4-500)
  • Sweet Bagel (3-400)
  • Tropic Snow (200)



  • Flordahome (3-400)
  • Hood (1-200)
  • Keiffer (2-300)
  • Monterrey (300)
  • Pineapple (200)
  • Southern Bartlett (400)
  • Tennosui (400)


Pears (Asian)

  • Many varieties at 450
  • 20th Century (3-400)
  • Hosui (3-400)
  • Shinseiki (250-300)



  • Mahan
  • Mohawk
  • Pawnee
  • Western Schley (all at 250)



  • All varieties


Plums & Prunes

  • Beauty (250)
  • Burgundy (300)
  • Catalina (3-400)
  • Golden Nectar (400 or less)
  • Late Santa Rosa (400 or less)
  • Mariposa (250)
  • Methley (250)
  • Nubiana (4-500)
  • Santa Rosa (300)
  • Satsuma (300)
  • Weeping Santa Rosa (2-400)



  • All varieties



  • Pedro (400)
  • Placentia (300)