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Bare Root Apricots

The first apricots came from China or Siberia. The fruit is a great favorite today, but apricot trees are one of the most difficult of the stone fruits to grow due to their early blooming period and sensitivity to frost, wind, rain and other adverse weather conditions, any of which can result in blossom or fruit drop. Therefore, areas without late frosts are more suitable. However, there are ways to increase the chances for success in growing these tasty fruits.

Tomcot has been proven to be an extremely reliable producer at Dave Wilson Nursery in the Central Valley of California. A few varieties with a later bloom time have been developed such as Harglow and Harcot from Canada and Earli Autumn from Zaiger. In addition, a sturdy row cover can be put over the tree after it has blossomed to protect it from frost and wind. Under those circumstances, having a smaller tree is beneficial which also helps when it comes to harvesting. Most of the varieties we offer are self-fruitful, although two varieties will provide the biggest crop.

Results 1 - 24 of 24



Autumn Glo Apricot - Semi-dwarf

Extend the apricot season with this large, sweet apricot. Autumn Glo ripens in early August. The freestone fruit is great for eating as well as drying. Zones 7 to 9. 500 hours or less. Patent No. 9864 (Zaiger). Self-fruitful. Available on Cit.

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Blenheim (Royal) Apricot - Semi-dwarf

All-purpose freestone, sweet, aromatic, flavorful. Long-time no. 1 apricot in California. Early bloom. Late June/early July harvest. Zones 7 to 9. 400 hours or less. Self-fruitful. Available on Cit.

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Blenheim (Royal) Apricot - Standard

All-purpose freestone, sweet, aromatic, flavorful. Long-time no. 1 apricot in California. Early bloom. Late June/early July harvest. Zones 7 to 9. 400 hours or less. Self-fruitful. Available on Myro

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Blenheim (Royal) Apricot - Standard

All-purpose freestone, sweet, aromatic, flavorful. Long-time no. 1 apricot in California. Early bloom. Late June/early July harvest. Zones 7 to 9. 400 hours or less. Self-fruitful. Available on Nema.

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Brittany Gold Apricot - Semi-dwarf

A very consistent producer and proven to perform in tough climates where no other apricots do. Large, firm, sweet fruit has an extremely long season for an apricot, hanging on the tree for two weeks or more at the end of July. Zones 7 to 9. 5-600 hours. Self-fruitful. Pat. no. 13504 (Zaiger). Available on Cit.

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Chinese (Mormon) Apricot - Semi-dwarf

Very cold and frost hardy apricot tree, sets heavy crops. Fruit is small to medium size, golden with red blush. Clingstone flesh is firm and flavorful. Recommended for difficult, spring frost prone climates. Ripens late June to early July. Zones 4 to 9. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. Available on Cit.

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Earli Autumn Apricot - Semi-dwarf

Late blooming and late maturing, this apricot ripens in August. Medium sized fruit is light bronze over yellow, the flesh is sweet and firm, colored light yellow. Self-fruitful. Zones 7 to 9. 500 hours or less. Patent No. 9937 (Zaiger). Available on Cit

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Flora Gold Apricot - Standard

Medium to large, very flavorful freestone used for canning, cooking, drying, fresh eating. More consistently productive than many other apricots due to being less susceptible to dropping flowers in areas with considerable difference in spring day and nighttime temperatures. Early June harvest, 2-3 weeks before Blenheim (Royal). Very good quality. Zones 7 to 9. 400 hours or less. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger) Available on Myro.

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Gold Kist Apricot - Semi-dwarf

Excellent backyard apricot for warm winter climates. Freestone, with excellent sweet/tart flavor. Heavy bearing. Produces better than Katy in areas with mildest winters. Early June harvest, three to four weeks before Blenheim. Zones 7 to 9. 300 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger) Available on Cit.

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Gold Kist Apricot - Standard

Excellent backyard apricot for warm winter climates. Freestone, with excellent sweet/tart flavor. Heavy bearing. Produces better than Katy in areas with mildest winters. Early June harvest, three to four weeks before Blenheim. Zones 7 to 9. 300 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger) Available on Nema.

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Harcot Apricot - Semi-dwarf

Outstanding apricot variety from Canada with frost hardy late bloom. Resists brown rot and perennial canker. Medium to large freestone fruit ripens mid June. Sweet, juicy, rich flavor - one of the best. Zones 4 to 9. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. Available on Cit.

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Harcot Apricot - Standard

Outstanding apricot variety from Canada with frost hardy late bloom. Resists brown rot and perennial canker. Medium to large freestone fruit ripens mid June. Sweet, juicy, rich flavor - one of the best. Zones 4 to 9. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. Available on Myro.

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Harglow Apricot - Semi-dwarf

Late blooming, productive apricot tree, proven in coastal northwestern climates. Originated in Canada. Medium size fruit with bright orange skin is sometimes blushed red. Orange freestone flesh is firm, sweet, flavorful. Resistant to perennial canker and brown rot, resists cracking. Ripens early, approximately mid to late June in central California. Zones 4 to 9. 800 hours. Self-fruitful. Available on Cit.

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Montrose Apricot - Semi-dwarf

Fruit is large with beautiful yellow skin and a red blush. Yellow flesh is sweet and very juicy. From Montrose, Colorado; very hardy and frost resistant. Pit is sweet and edible. Ripens in mid July after Chinese. Zones 5 to 9. 600 hours. Available on Cit.

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Moorpark Apricot - Standard

Longtime favorite apricot of connoisseurs for its exceptionally rich flavor and aroma. Reliable producer; large fruit ripens in July. Used fresh and for canning. Zones 6 to 9. 600 hours. Self-fruitful. Available on Myro.

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Pixie-Cot 'TM' Miniature Apricot

Genetic semi-dwarf compact tree with medium sized, fine quality fruit. Will grow to about ten feet without pruning. The first miniature apricot that meets the "Flavor Test" at Dave Wilson Nursery. The fruit is ripe around June 1 in California's Central Valley. Zones 6 to 9. Estimated chill requirement is 500 hours. Self-fruitful. Available on Cit.

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Royal Rosa Apricot - Standard

Extremely vigorous and more disease tolerant than other apricots. Bears young and heavily. Sweet, low acid, fine-flavored fruit ripens very early, in late May. Pollenizer for Flavorella plumcot. Zones 7 to 9. 500 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger) Available on Myro.

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Tilton Apricot - Standard

No. 1 apricot for canning, also used fresh and dried. Medium to large, firm, rich flavor; one of the best. Widely adapted; reported resistant to brown rot. Ripens in early July. Zones 5 to 9. 600 hours. Self-fruitful. Available on Myro.

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Tomcot Apricot - Semi-dwarf

The most consistently productive apricot variety at Dave Wilson Nursery 1992-97. Large, orange fruit with firm, sweet flesh. Early harvest (late May, early June). Zones 4 to 9. 500 hours or less. Partly self-fruitful; biggest crops if cross-pollenized by another apricot. Pat. No. 7034. Available on Cit.

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Tomcot Apricot - Standard

The most consistently productive apricot variety at Dave Wilson Nursery 1992-97. Large, orange fruit with firm, sweet flesh. Early harvest (late May, early June). Zones 4 to 9. 500 hours or less. Partly self-fruitful; biggest crops if cross-pollenized by another apricot. Pat. No. 7034. Available on Myro.

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Tropic Gold Apricot - Semi-dwarf

Medium to large yellow fruit with orange cheek and flesh. Firm, juicy, excellent flavor. Good for fresh eating, canning and drying. Heavy bearing. Good for mild winter areas. Ripens in late June to early July. Zones 7 to 9. 350 hours or less. Self-fruitful. Available on Cit.

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Tropic Gold Apricot - Standard

Medium to large yellow fruit with orange cheek and flesh. Firm, juicy, excellent flavor. Good for fresh eating, canning and drying. Heavy bearing. Good for mild winter areas. Ripens in late June to early July. Zones 7 to 9. 350 hours or less. Self-fruitful. Available on Myro.

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Ume Shiro-Kaga Flowering and Fruiting Apricot - Standard

Apricot used for pickling and ornamental bloom. Single white flowers with spicy fragrance bloom from late January to early February. Fruit is 3/4 to 1" in diameter and ripens in mid May. Zones 7 to 10. 400 hours or less. Self-fruitful. Available on Myro.

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White Knockout

White Knockout Apricot - Standard

Praised by many as the finest flavored apricot with its intense sweetness, this white fleshed , dessert quality apricot is truly a knockout. Excellent eating whether firm or soft ripe. Dependably sets in areas where apricots do well. Fast growing with a mushroom-like canopy. Ripens in late May to early June. Zones 7 to 9. 4-600 hours. Self-fruitful. Available on Nema.

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