We are now open for orders that will be shipped February, and the first week in March 2025.
Warranty Information

We take great pride in the quality of our nursery stock and the care it receives at our nursery. We guarantee our plants to be true to name as labelled, to be alive and well when you receive them and, when given proper care and attention, to leaf out and grow. If, upon receipt, you are not satisfied with the quality and condition of your plants, you may return them for a full refund. Claims for damaged or unsatisfactory stock or shortages must be made within five days of receipt of order. If, after following the enclosed planting instructions, your plants do not leaf out and grow, we will replace them one time, the following season, provided you pay the cost of shipping and handling.
All claims must be made by June 1, 2025. In all cases, our liability is limited to the purchase price of the stock.
We do not recommend or encourage ordering varieties that are clearly incompatible with your climate and will notify you if anything you order will not be covered by the warranty due to incompatibility. In addition, we cannot be held responsible for losses that result from any extreme climatic event such as those that are occurring with increasing frequency.