We are now open for orders that will be shipped February, and the first week in March 2025. 

Bare Root Blueberries

We’ve been touting blueberries for the last couple of years. It’s almost as if they’ve been rediscovered! One of the reasons for all this press is the health benefits that have recently been found. Another factor is that blueberries are really good container plants. And last, but not least, are the new varieties that can be grown in areas with almost no cold and relatively alkaline soil. We do, however, recommend that you amend your soil if it is alkaline with an acidic soil amendment, such as peat moss or an azalea-camellia mix. Monthly applications of an acidic fertilizer during the growing season will produce the best results.

The blueberries we carry are called Highbush blueberries which are known for the best quality berry. The plants are generally upright, growing four to six feet. They make attractive landscape plants in addition to their culinary uses. Blueberries are delicious in pancakes, muffins, in fruit salads, pies and sauces. We’ve included a muffin recipe below.

Results 1 - 11 of 11



Bluecrop Northern Blueberry

No. 1 variety, the standard of excellence. Very productive, upright, vigorous bush. Ripens mid season. Large, firm, flavorful blueberry does not drop or crack. Tolerates hot summers if soil is moist, acidic, and high in humus. 800 hours. Self-fruitful. Hardy to zone 4.

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Blueray Northern Blueberry

Best blueberry variety for hot climates. Fruit is large and firm with excellent flavor. Vigorous, upright bush is very productive. Ripens mid season. Requires soil that is moist, acidic and high in humus. 800 hours. Self-fruitful. Hardy to zone 4.

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Jelly Bean

Jelly Bean Blueberry

Very small plant with elongated green leaves. Grows one to two feet, ideal for pots or a small hedge. Produces large, flavorful berries in summer that taste like sweet, homemade blueberry jelly. 600 hours or less. Zones 4 to 9.

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Jubilee Blueberry

Outstanding flavor for this early season blueberry. Fruit is medium to large, light blue. Consistently productive bush, even in less than optimum blueberry sites. From USDA breeding program in Mississippi. Upright bush grows to five to eight feet. Ripens early season. 4-500 hours. Hardy to zone 5.

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Legacy Blueberry

Evergreen variety bears heavy yields of medium to large flavorful fruit. Ripens mid to late season. Orange foliage over winter. Grows to six feet tall. Zones 4 to 8. 5-600 hours.

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Misty Blueberry

Early. In the West, Misty is quite vigorous, growing very well both on the coast and in inland. Excellently flavored blueberry does well in areas with chilling as low as 150 hours and all areas with mild winters and hot summers. Self-fruitful. Hardy to zone 5.

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Peach Sorbet

Peach Sorbet Blueberry

Small plant with leaves of peach, pink, orange and emerald green. White flowers in spring lead to an abundant crop of sweet berries in summer. In most climates, the leaves stay on in winter and turn a lovely purple. Grows one and a half to two feet. 300 hours or less. Zones 5 to 10.

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Pink Icing

Pink Icing Blueberry

Grows three to four feet with foliage that is blue, deep green and shades of pink. Leaves turn iridescent turquoise in winter. Berries are large and robustly flavored. Excellent foliage plant as well as producing wonderful fruit. 500 hours or less. Zones 5 to 10.

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Reveille Blueberry

Medium sized fruit with outstanding flavor and a unique, crisp, almost crunchy texture. Hot pink blooms cover the bush in spring, giving way to loads of light blue berries. Upright narrow bush to five to six feet tall. Vigorous, easy to grow, thrives in hot or cool coastal climates. Ripens mid season. 4-500 hours. Self-fruitful. Hardy to zone 4.

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Sharpblue Blueberry

Large fruit; 75-80 berries per cup. Most adaptable of the low chill blueberries; performs well in heavy to sandy soils. Good for fresh use. Requires frequent harvesting to retain high quality in hot weather. Ripens early. Will grow where there are practically no chilling hours. Zones 7 to 10.

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Sunshine Blue Blueberry

Dwarf southern highbush cultivar - three to four feet tall and wide. Semi-evergreen, particularly good for container gardening. Firm blueberries, 80 per cup. Yields of five to ten pounds per bush. Good fruit quality. Ripens mid to late season. More tolerant of high pH soil than other southern highbush and rabbiteye types. Hardy in zones 5 to 10. 150 hours.

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