We are now open for orders that will be shipped January, February, and the first week in March 2025. The deadline for ordering roses is Monday January 13.

Bare Root Nut Trees

Add some protein to your orchard by planting nut trees! Your choice should be decided by your palate and your climate.

Almond trees are botanically similar to peach trees, but they require more specific climactic conditions. Ideal situations include long hot summers and low humidity. The trees are relatively small, reaching about 20 to 30 feet at maturity. Almonds are one of the first to bloom so late frosts may destroy the blossoms or the small young fruit. Mission and Butte are a good pair; both are late bloomers and they pollenize each other. If you only have room for one tree, All-In-One almond is the best choice. When pruning your tree, bear in mind that almonds are born on spurs which remain for about 5 years.

Pecan trees are native to the southern and central U.S. Long hot summers provide the best environment for a good crop of nuts. The trees themselves are graceful, shapely and very large, reaching 70 feet tall and wide. If your climate is not ideal for producing nuts, the trees can be planted as large shade trees.


Results 1 - 9 of 9

Nut Trees


All-In-One Genetic Semi-Dwarf Almond on Viking

Best choice for clay or wet soils. No. 1 almond for home orchards. Heavy crops of soft shelled nuts with sweet, flavorful kernels. Hot summer required to ripen; ripens late September to early October. Fifteen foot tree, very winter and frost hardy, probably to zone 5, but with better results in zones 8 to 9. 3-400 hrs. Self-fruitful. Pat. No. 4304 (Zaiger). Available on Viking. Potted.

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Mission Almond

Late blooming, productive almond. Hard shelled nut with short plump kernel. Ripens late September/early October. Zones 7 to 9. 500 hrs. Pollenizer required; interfruitful with All-In-One, Nonpareil, Price, Carmel. Available on Nema.

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Chandler Walnut

Walnut tree developed by U.C. Davis. High quality light colored nuts. Heavy crops (bears on lateral buds, not just terminals like Hartley.) Smaller tree than Hartley; good choice for backyard planting. Ripens late September/early October. Zones 5 to 8. 700 hrs. Self-fruitful. Pat. No. 4388. Available on Para. WE ARE SORRY, BUT WE CAN NO LONGER SHIP WALNUTS TO MISSOURI.

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Franquette Walnut

Last English walnut to leaf out, less susceptible to spring frost damage. Very large tree, excellent shade. Fair production of well sealed, thin shelled, high quality nuts. Ripens late, in October. Zones 5 to 8. 700 hrs. Partially self-fruitful. Pollenize with Hartley or Chandler. Available on Para. WE ARE SORRY, BUT WE CAN NO LONGER SHIP WALNUTS TO MISSOURI.

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Hartley Walnut

Long-time No. 1 walnut in California for its quality and dependability. Large, thin shelled, well sealed nut with light colored, flavorful kernel. Ripens late September/early October. Zones 6 to 10. 700 hrs. Self-fruitful. Available on Para. WE ARE SORRY, BUT WE ARE NO LONGER ABLE TO SHIP WALNUTS TO MISSOURI.

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Idaho Walnut

Cold hardy carpathian-type walnut with large, sweet, high quality kernel. Bears young and heavy. Vigorous tree. Ripens late September/early October. Zones 4 to 8. 700 hrs. Self-fruitful. Available on Para. WE ARE SORRY, BUT WE ARE NO LONGER ABLE TO SHIP WALNUTS TO MISSOURI.

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Pedro Walnut

Very small walnut tree, less than 2/3 the size of other varieties. Well sealed nut, similar to Payne. Has perhaps the finest flavored kernel, winner of consumer taste tests. Widely adapted, excellent choice for home planting. Ripens late September/early October. Zones 6 to 10. 400 hrs. Self-fruitful. Available on Para. WE ARE SORRY, BUT WE ARE NO LONGER ABLE TO SHIP WALNUTS TO MISSOURI.

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Placentia Walnut

Adapted to mild winter coastal climates of southern California. Has medium sized walnuts with fairly well sealed thin shells. Light colored, plump kernel has mild flavor. Ripens late September/early October. Zones 6 to 10. Estimated chilling requirement is less than 300 hrs. Self-fruitful. Available on Para. WE ARE SORRY, BUT WE ARE NO LONGER ABLE TO SHIP WALNUTS TO MISSOURI.

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Robert Livermore Walnut

Very unique and striking red meat. Taste and growing patterns very similar to Chandler. Ripens in late September, one week earlier than Chandler. Requires a pollenizer. Zones 4 to 8. 700 hours. Available on Para. SORRY, BUT WE ARE NO LONGER ABLE TO SEND WALNUTS TO MISSOURI.

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