We are now open for orders that will be shipped February, and the first week in March 2025. 

New Fruit Trees & Berries for 2023

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Welcome to Fruit Trees Online!

Flavor Punch Pluerry
This season we ponder the origins of the Interspecific Hybrid family of fruit. These are the Pluots, Apriums, Nectaplum, Pluerries and other crosses of different fruit types. They were developed by Floyd Zaiger and his family, breeders who wanted to produce better, more flavorful varieties and have they ever succeeded!  Some of the most unique and intensely delicious fruits are to be found in this category. The end products are the results of the cross pollenization of different Prunus species, usually over multiple generations. The pollenization is done by hand, not by genetic alteration in a lab.

Flavor Grenade
Pluots and Plumcots are about seventy-five percent plum and twenty-five percent apricot, resulting in very complex flavors. There is little to no tartness as can be found in some plum varieties and the sugar content is higher than either plums or apricots, making the fruit extremely sweet. Flavor King and Flavor Finale are both dark skinned with reddish flesh and have intense, complex, spicy flavors. Flavor Queen, Emerald Drop and Flavor Grenade are all green to yellow with fantastic flavor and superb quality. Dapple Dandy and Flavor Supreme have mottled skin, making them very attractive, and both score very highly in taste tests. Geo Pride and Splash have reddish skin with very sweet yellow to orange flesh. Flavorella Plumcot is golden with a slight red blush, excellent flavor and juicy flesh.

Flavor Delight Aprium

Apriums are about seventy-five percent apricot with the balance being plum, giving them the great advantage of succeeding in areas in which apricots can be difficult. Cot-N-Candy is white fleshed and extremely sweet. Flavor Delight, Leah-cot and Summer Delight are all very similar in appearance to a regular apricot, but with a more complex taste.

SpiceZee Necta Plum

Spice Zee Nectaplum is a wonderful white fleshed fruit with a lovely spicy sweet flavor. It is also very ornamental, blooming prolifically in the spring followed by red new leaves that turn red-green. Tri-Lite Peach-Plum is similar to a classic white peach, but with a wonderful plum aftertaste that makes it very unique. Delight and Sprite Cherry-Plums pollenize each other and are heavy producers of delightfully  flavorful fruit. The newest additions to the family are the Pluerries, crosses of plum and sweet cherry. We have four varieties from which to choose - Candy Heart, Flavor Punch, Sugar Twist and Sweet Treat - all of which are intensely flavored and very sweet.

AC Sweet Pomegranate

Among the new items for this season are A.C. Sweet Pomegranate and a new multiple budded tree. A. C. Sweet is a red to bright pink pomegranate that is sweet and refreshing with soft, edible seeds. The multiple budded tree is the 4N1 Showy Flowers Combo that provides not only four of five different varieties of peach and nectarine, but also a ripping good floral display in the spring. We have also added a new gooseberry, Oregon Champion. It is a heavy producer of medium to large yellowish green berries that hold well on the bush. There is also a new raspberry, Honey Queen, with yellow berries and a sweet honey flavor.

Roses pixabay

Just a reminder that roses can now be shipped in January only.

Our winters have become so warm that they start leafing out very early, making it unsafe to ship them past the end of January. To save shipping costs, have your entire order shipped in January. Otherwise, we will have to divide your order into two, shipping the roses in January and the balance later. If you cannot plant roses out in January, you can pot them and plant them out in the summer.