We are now open for orders that will be shipped February, and the first week in March 2025. 

New Fruit Trees & Berries for 2022

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Arctic Sprite Nectarine
Welcome to Fruit Trees Online!

We are delighted to introduce three new miniature fruit trees from Zaiger - Arctic Sprite and Sol Dorado nectarines, and Snow Babe peach. Arctic Sprite produces lots of incredibly flavored white freestone fruit and has a lovely spring bloom as well.

Sol Dorado
Sol Dorado will supply heavy crops of delicious yellow freestone fruit after a beautiful bloom in the spring.

Snow Babe is also a heavy producer, bearing very tasty white freestone peaches following a lovely show of spring flowers. Any or all would be a great addition to any orchard, particularly for anyone with limited space. What more could anyone want than a fabulous show in the spring followed by a summer of delicious fruit?

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Cranberry Pomegranate
Pomegranates remain ever popular, with their great health benefits and fantastic flavor. Their gloriously vivid red orange flowers contrasting with bright green leaves makes for a wonderfully ornamental tree as well. We have many varieties of pomegranates to suit any preference, ranging from strictly sweet, as with Eversweet, Pink Satin and Sweet, to the tartness of Cranberry and Sharp Velvet. In between are varieties with a divine acid/sugar balance like Ariana, Desertnyi, Granada, Parfianka and Red Silk, and, of course, everyone knows Wonderful as the classic pomegranate widely used for juice as well as fresh eating.

Ghost Apple

Ariana Pomegranate

We also have some rather unusual fruit types for those who might like something a bit different. In apples, try Ghost apple with completely white skin and flesh and, despite its light coloration, high heat tolerance, or Pink Pearl, a pink fleshed variety that is very aromatic.

Sauzee Swirl Donut Peach
There are also the so-called doughnut or saucer peaches and nectarines. Sauzee King is the first saucer nectarine, has white flesh and comes on a tree that produces heavily at a young age. Donut, Galaxy, Sweet Bagel and the new Sauzee Swirl are all varieties of saucer peaches. Sweet Bagel is a yellow flesh peach with classic peach flavor while the other three are all white fleshed with delicate sweet white peach flavor. If you are looking to extend your harvest season, Sauzee Swirl is an early ripening variety with harvest coming in mid to late May in central California.

Blood Cling Peach
Another unusual peach is Indian Blood Cling with red skin and red, richly flavored flesh. It blooms late, ripens in mid August and is a heavy producer. In the smaller fruit category, Ken's Red Kiwi is something different with its red instead of green flesh. Don't forget to add the Hardy Male Kiwi for pollenization.

Kens Red Kiwi

Fall Gold Raspberry
Fall Gold raspberry is also out of the ordinary. The berries are a lovely golden color rather than the usual red one expects from a raspberry. The flavor is very sweet without the tartness that some raspberries have. Another unexpected coloration can be found in Pink Lemonade blueberry. The fruit is sweet and bright pink, adding a different dimension to blueberry pancakes and muffins.

Pink Lemonade Blueberry

Snowbank Blackberry
Perhaps you might like to try the very epitome of a contradiction in terms, a white blackberry. Snowbank blackberry is over a hundred years old and, despite its white color, has all the flavor of a regular blackberry. You don't get to be over one hundred without being good! For nut fanciers, Robert Livermore walnut would be a fine choice with its bright red meat and flavor similar to Chandler. We hope this will give you some ideas for adding something different to your orchard.

Robert Livermore Walnut

We would like to thank you all for your continued patronage during this rather peculiar time in the world and wish you all peace, good health and happiness!